That feeling when you try something new…
Yeah. That’s what I’m feeling right now.
So let’s talk about big changes!
How do we move forward from what we know, into the adventures that wait for us… in the unknown? And why the heck would we even want to?
I’ve been listening to Alicia Keys and this quote from her track, The Element Of Freedom, has been stuck in my mind.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it
took to blossom.”
~ Anais Nin
Sometimes, it’s time for a change.
Maybe its career, relationship, diet and exercise, spiritual or psychological growth… or maybe a vacation to a new and different place.
What works for us at one age or stage might not be the right fit at another.
Fortunately, we can focus on baseline principles to understand the broad path we are on, then adapt and learn new skills for the next phase of our evolution.
"If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything."
― Miyamoto Musashi
We are much more likely to succeed in new endeavors if we can leverage the wisdom of our past experiences and skill sets.
Imagine playing a video game where every time you advance to a new level you lose all of your previous upgrades.
This is a higher difficulty setting than life is actually on. You have learned and acquired tools along the way. If you understand them broadly, you can apply them to the new adventures life has in store.
An inspiring way to look at all of this, is through the lens of Story.
Through this big picture window all of our problems, challenges, projects, and how we engage with them, are part of character and plot development.
You are a person of character.
What is your back story?
What are your values?
What is it that sends you from the world of the mundane, onto the journey of a hero?
What side quests await, and can help you discover upgrades to help you on your way?
What skills will you acquire?
Who or what will you encounter?
What will you discover about yourself?
Who will you become?
Only you can answer those questions. It’s my mission to equip you with valuable tools for your adventures in living.
Here is a fun story frame by Jim Butcher for you to try out…
The STORY QUESTION consists of a simple format:
*When something happens,
*Your protagonist,
*Pursues a goal
But will he succeed when the *antagonist provides opposition?
Here’s the story question for Super You Systems
In a world where brick and mortar small businesses have been decimated, and the countries well-being is in question…a veteran medic with a civilian health and fitness skill stack, takes on the project of providing training in the basics every veteran and citizen need to be happy, healthy, and relaxed. But will he succeed when his own struggles with PTSD, head trauma, and issues with focus and memory impact his productivity?
What is your story question right now?
Would you like to change the game?
Adding a few skills and experimenting with systems for better living can be a simple way to step your game up, and make leveling up exciting.
In the next letter we will get an overview of several of my favorite military systems for civilian life, but for now let’s take a look at two Big Bads we encounter along our Hero’s Journey… and another way to approach them.
Problems sound bad. I know. And when we haven’t chosen to deal with them… they are.
The thing is, problems are also what math-letes and rock climbers work out to get to a solution… and incredible views shared with the special few who put in the work. Problems are solved through proper planning and procedure, and often a good dose of grind and endurance.
What’s your problem?
Pain stopping you from playing with your kids or grand kids or buddies?
Don’t want to be out of breath when you go up a flight of stairs?
Wish you were strong enough to lift your dog into the truck?
Relationship ended?
Don’t look as good naked as you know you could?
Relationship began?
Looking for work?
Not sure what to do with all of your wealth, fame, and free time?
We’ve all got something.
Do you have a plan and procedures in place to help you solve your problem?
Do you have the endurance to turn the necessary widgets to work your problem?
If not, you may have a challenging time ahead.
Challenges pit you against a foe to overcome! This is the view encouraged by many a sport minded person.
The “challenge” may be the problem itself, or something between you and the solution.
Depending on a couple of factors, this can be motivating… or devastating.
The difference between inspiration or overwhelm, is often tied to our senses of autonomy and capacity.
If we are taking on challenges we feel we did not choose, or that are too big, we will be driven to procrastinate. In fact… we can find ourselves resenting everything we associate with the perceived unchosen burden, or unattainable goal.
If you don’t like how those kind of challenges feel, you can eliminate a lot of them in the world by avoiding making your problems into demands on other people. If you want to make a lifestyle change, make it independently.
Everyone already has enough on their plate without your diet… or lifestyle!
I have to tell ya’, (with all the sass and bearing of a Waffle House waitress, that knows what smothered and covered looks like) “Fix yourself first, Honey.”
Light your own lamp in the dark.
Maybe people will want to join you for a while, once they see how much joy you bring to the table. Who knows?
If somebody inspires that feeling in you, of being welcomed and inspired, take notice.
Choose what challenges you take on.
Let the fight go, if it isn’t serving you.
Not every Big Bad, every problem or challenge you encounter, is meant for you. You will find that you just don’t have the time or space in your life for challenges that aren’t yours to take ownership of.
And that’s okay…
Because you are working on Your projects.
When I was learning acupressure, our instructor told us that there was no need to have challenging problems in our lives. We could let go of what was beyond our control, and embrace the projects that we are lucky enough to get to work on.
Projects are things we choose to do. They are acts of creation, or creative destruction and renovation. They can involve “problems” but are no longer problematic. They can have “challenges”, but the weight becomes a pleasure to lift.
If we can turn the wellbeing of any aspect of our life or lifestyle into a project, we can regroup, refocus, and reengage. This time, from a place of joy where we develop our fitness to peacefully engaged with our world.
Super You Systems is my new project, addressing the problems and challenges we face in the effort to live a great life.
Thanks for joining me on this path.
Check out this first video on the YouTube channel!
It’s a “direct message”, more than the informative and review-based videos I have in the hopper. Those are on the way! Hit the subscribe button on YouTube to see Super You Systems content in your feed.
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